Winter Fruits and Vegetables You Must Eat

As the season of winter is knocking the Indian doors, the vegetable stalls are changing the fruits and veggies with winter ones. It’s time to fill your shopping cart with the winter fruits andvegetables that are beneficial for your family and loved ones. But without the knowledge of winter food items, you can’t keep your family healthy. So, here are the top winter fruits and vegetables, you must eat this winter season.


“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.”
This quotation states almost everything about the benefits of eating apples. Being rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber, this fruit must be added to your fruit basket whenever you go out for chopping. Due to the presence of vitamin C, it helps the body to fight from different infectious agents. Presence of fiber in this fruit helps to prevent cholesterol level in your body. Vitamin-B in Apple helps to maintain the RBC count as well as proper functioning of the nervous system in the body.

Because of the numerous benefits of apple, it is also remarked as a miracle fruit.

Citrus Fruits

It is a food category which contains diverse fruits with delicious taste that will make your fruit salad tasty. Citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits. In the Indian fruit stall, the presence of oranges, lemons and limes can easily be seen in this approaching winter season.

Referred as a good occupant of antioxidants, citrus fruits help to cure heart diseases which are a common problem in late working person as well as old age people.  The presence of the flavonoid present in the fruits of this class is highly beneficial in weight control as well as a good medicine in case of type-2 diabetes, as it maximizes the metabolism of the body.


The highly demanded winter fruit, dates is a fruit which is enriched with various vitamins, minerals and fiber along with other health beneficiary factors like oil, calcium, Sulfur, iron, copper, phosphorous, potassium, manganese and magnesium. This seasonal fruit is good for health as it fights many digestion related problems including constipation, anaemia, diarrhoea and many more. It is also referred as an important fruit that is capable to cure sexual dysfunction.

Dates are also prescribed for those who knock the doors of a gym to put on some weight as it is a good weight gain and energy booster natural item. The blend of dates with yogurt or milk helps to boost the weight gain process, resulting into a muscular body without any inorganic supplement.


A berry category fruit, pomegranate was considered as a “fruit of paradise” in the ancient age. A good source of vitamins, protein, fiber, potassium and folate, it is highly recommended for many diseases that are hard to cure with the help of chemical medicines. Due to the presence of polyphenol antioxidants, this fruit is preferred as the boon of God as it is capable to cure many types of cancer like breast cancer, lung cancer. The reason behind is that eating pomegranates prevents the growth of tumour cells within the body.

Also, because of being a fiber rich natural product, it is good for digestion. Also, because of its antioxidant power, it is used to sort out many diseases related to your immune system. As it pause the free radical damage, you can look younger by simply adding this fruit into your daily diet.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potato is a renowned fruit made available in the winter season. It is rich in vitamins and other elements. As vitamin C is highly preferred in case of common cold or flu, Sweet potato can prevent you from this common disease. Also, vitamin D is highly needed by the human body to gain energy from the sun. Eating this fruit fulfills your daily requirement of sunlight that provides adequate vitamin D to your body.

Also, because of the presence of ample vitamins, this fruit can be eaten to prevent stress over your body. Eating sweet potato also helps in regulating the functioning of your heart and neural system.

Dark, Leafy Greens

Leafy vegetables is always recommended to gain energy as they are rich in iron and other elements that are required to grab sufficient energy within your body. Majorly, vegetable stalls will be stocked with bunches of spinach, mustard greens and cabbage. Eating raw, dark, leafy greens help in pausing your young age. Not only are this, being a good supplement of carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, leafy green vegetables highly recommended to brighten your eye power.

To rebuild the power of your body, you need an energy booster. In the similar fashion, green leafy vegetables are highly prescribed to boost the power of your body. Eating leafy vegetables on a regular basis helps to fight many diseases.


Cabbage is a boon for those who need to enhance their mental power and concentration power, as it is rich in vitamin K and anthocyanin. Being low in fat and high in fiber, you can add it into your daily eatables list. It will help you control your weight.

It has also been experimented that applying cabbage leaves on your forehead can help you in headache. There is an interesting fact about all those who drink so much., Cabbage has the power to overcome your hangover.

Beet Roots & Turnip

In case any of your family members is a patient of blood pressure, you must let him drink the juice of beet root as it helps to overwhelm the blood pressure in a few hours. It is also referred as a pre-workout vegetable as drinking its juice before going to gym enables to work 16% more than normal. The existence of phytonutrients in it makes it a must eat vegetable that cures different types of cancer.

Heading onto turnip, it is a root vegetable which can be eaten from the top i.e. its leaves part as well as its roots i.e. its main body. Presence of dietary fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals make this vegetable a must buy item while going to any grocery shopping. It is low in calories; you can replace your daily, fast food item with it. It will help you control your weight.

Carrots & Radishes

Whenever the need of blood occurs, carrot is always remembered. This taproot is a good source of vitamin-A, minerals, antioxidants and many more elements.  According to a study, it has been confirmed that eating carrot daily helps to cure skin, lung and oral cavity cancers. It is also capable to stop the growth of tumour cells within your body. Because of many other essential elements, it can be eaten to solve many health related issues.

Moving onto the benefits of eating radishes, it is also a low calorie food item. Being rich in vitamin-C, it can energize your body and enables it to fight many immune system related complications. Apart from this, it is too capable to sort out many problems as cured by carrots.


Last, but not the least, peas are a winter vegetable which is going to cover a large grocery market. it can help you with anti-aging. Also, this winter vegetable is a good source to gain energy and make your immune system strong. Its high fibre and protein helps to control the blood sugar level. As it is rich in digestive fibre, the digestion related problems like constipation is easily resolved by eating peas. It also controls cholesterol level within your body.

So, to give a boost your health in winter season, don’t forget to fill your shopping basket with the above mentioned vegetables and fruits. Add them to your daily eating schedule and keep your family healthy and strong.

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